I May Never Be Able to Coach Again

There are a lot of "coaches" out there who don't have CLUE ONE about how to really coach! These individuals consistently practice far more than damage to young people than they do good. They tear downwardly self-esteem rather than building it up. They create an extremely unsafe learning environment for their athletes. They use fright, humiliation and demeaning, disrespectful behaviors as "teaching" tools. They are emotionally and sometimes (indirectly) physically abusive. They directly and indirectly pressure athletes to continue to play when injured. They regularly impale the fun and passion that their athletes one time had for the sport. These coaches have lost their manner and strayed terribly far from the true mission of coaching.

Y'all're Not a skilful coach when you call an athlete out in front of the team and tell that athlete, "You admittedly suck! You lot're the worst curt-stop, quarterback, setter, forward, keeper, etc. that I have e'er seen!" How is this kind of a comment constructive? Does it help a kid empathize exactly what he/she is doing wrong and what they need to practise to fix it and amend? How does it help a kid learn? Does it motivate an individual to want to work fifty-fifty harder to improve? Does it help that individual feel expert nearly themselves?

You're NOT a skillful motorbus if you think that your most of import job as a autobus is to win games. I don't care what kind of pressure to win that y'all face from the administration. If winning is your primary goal as a coach you have significantly lost your manner and every bit a effect, you lot'll actually win less! Your mission as a coach is to teach young people and help them abound every bit individuals so that they become ameliorate people in the earth, both on and off the field. At that place are far more important things at pale here than whether a kid wins or correctly learns the x's and o's. Expert coaches teach their athletes how to be meliorate people in the earth and they use their sport every bit naught more than a vehicle for this teaching. The winning and losing outcomes are completely secondary to the pedagogy of valuable life lessons (playing as a squad and sacrificing individual needs for the betterment of the squad, handling arduousness & failure, mastering fear & obstacles, working hard towards a faraway goal, learning to believe in yourself, being a adept sport, playing by the rules, etc.)

Yous're NOT a expert coach when y'all place the outcome of a competition in front end of the physical and emotional welfare of your players. If you pressure your athletes to play when injured or if you demean and ignore those athletes who are too injured to play, then you are engaging in physical corruption. Encouraging your athletes to play hurt and so that the team can win is reckless beliefs for you as a double-decker. When yous do this you are directly putting your players at run a risk. You are Not teaching them to exist mentally tough! Playing through pain is Non a sign of strength. That is a ridiculous MYTH! Instead, it's completely ignoring your body's early warning signs that something is very wrong.

You're Not a good omnibus when you allow players on your squad to scape-goat and/or demean each other. Good coaches create a safe learning environment. There is nothing prophylactic about being on a team where teammates regularly criticize and yell at each other. At that place is nil prophylactic about existence on a team when you are picked on or ostracized by your teammates. It's the coach'southward responsibleness to set very articulate limits to foreclose these kinds of "team busting" behaviors. At that place should be no place for them on a winning team.

You're NOT a good coach when y'all play favorites. Good coaches treat their athletes fairly. They don't operate with two different sets of rules, i.east. one for the "called few" and ane for the residue of the team. Coaches who play favorites go a long way towards creating performance disrupting dissension on their squads.

You're Non a expert coach when you tell your athletes that under no circumstances are they always to tell their parents what actually goes on in practice, and that if they do, they are being disloyal and disrespectful to their teammates coach and the program! Coaches who tell their athletes these kinds of things are terribly misguided and are trying to hide something. What they're trying to practice is hide is their abusive behaviors! Telling kids not to ever tell their parents is what child abusers tell their victims!

Yous're Not a good coach when you care for your players with disrespect. I don't care what your won-loss record is or how many championships you've won in the past. When you care for preadolescent and adolescent athletes disrespectfully y'all are Not a proficient coach. Great educators don't teach in this manner. They value their students and brand them experience that value, both as learners and individuals. Your position and reputation should not make up one's mind whether you get respect from your squad. What does make up one's mind whether people respect you is how you lot Human action! Your behavior is what's paramount. Expert coaches earn their respect from their players on a daily basis, over and once again based on how they bear themselves and how they interact with their athlete and everyone else associated with the program. If you call up that you're too important to earn respect, then you are distinguishing yourself as a bad coach!

Yous're Not a proficient coach when you don't "walk the talk." What you say to your players means nothing if information technology doesn't come up from who you are equally a person. Simply put, your words accept to closely match your behaviors. Groovy coaches are great role models in that they teach through their behaviors. They don't operate on a double standard where it'south OK for them to act one way only hold their athletes to a unlike and college standard of behavior. If you as a coach teach through the maximum, "do as I say, NOT every bit I practice," then you have distinguished yourself equally a poor coach.

Y'all're NOT a good motorcoach when you lot reject to take responsibleness for your behavior, when yous pass up to own your mistakes and instead, arraign others for them. The mark of a corking educator is that they present themselves as homo. They do non let their ego go involved in the more important chore of teaching. Therefore when something goes wrong, they are quick to own their part in information technology. Good coaches take responsibility for their team's failures and requite their team and athletes total responsibility for successes. Bad coaches blame their athletes for losses and accept the credit for the team's successes.

You're NOT a good charabanc when you play "caput games" with your athletes. If you lot talk behind their backs, play one athlete off against another or are dishonest in your interactions with your players and so yous are doing cipher constructive to assist your players learn and grow as athletes and individuals. Telling a player one matter and then turning around and doing exactly the opposite is not how you get about constructive coaching. For example, promising a player more playing time if he/she does A, B and C, and so keeping them on the bench later they do everything you've merely asked of them is a game that will kill your athlete'southward love of the sport, crush their spirit and destroy their conviction. This is non how great coaches motivate their players!

Questions? I want to hear from y'all!


Source: https://www.competitivedge.com/you-are-not-a-good-coach-when-you/

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